Apple Bonkers


Vocalist, Drums, Keyboard.


The Apple Bonkers is a New York City-based collective of musicians specializing in classic rock and rhythm and blues covers, but who delve into many other genres when it suits them, having a repertoire in the hundreds. This collective formed in 2015, but have played together in various groups for years prior. Check out our song list and videos on our website: theapplebonkers

Screen name:
Member since:
Dec 05 2016
Active within 1 week
Level of commitment:
Very Committed
Years together:
Gigs played:
Over 100
71 years


Beatles, Simon & Garfunkel, Motown, Beach Boys, Elton John, Billy Joel and so many more. We have been called a psychedelic band, 60s, 70s and 80s classic rock and R&B. Our repertoire is in the hundreds.

Members Of Band

We are a collective and substitute personnel for bass and drums though would like to find full-timers
Maggie Clarke - vocals, rhythm guitar, harmonica
Michael David Gordon - vocals
Barry Blitstein - lead guitar
Jojo - bass


12 string Taylor acoustic, 6 string Taylor acoustic, Epiphone Dot, Telecaster, Epiphone Sheraton, 6 string Guild, 6 string Martin, 12 string Washburn, Hofner bass, Fender bass, Roland keyboard, Roland street cube amps, mics, stands, small drum kit