Band to Join, Accordion, Cello, Upright bass, Steel guitar, Bagpipes, Trombone, Vocalist - Alto, Dobro, Fiddle, Mandolin, Banjo, Other, Flute, Harmonica, Background Singer, Piano, Keyboard, Saxophone, Trumpet, Violin, Other Percussion, Drums, Bass Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar, Vocalist - Soprano, Vocalist - Tenor, Vocalist - Baritone, Vocalist - Bass, Vocalist.ABOUT
Seasoned musician accomplished in many styles. I am looking to hook-up with muscians of similar skill level who goal is to make good and real music.
- Screen name:
- Billy YY
- Member since:
- Aug 29 2011
- Active over 1 month ago
- Level of commitment:
- Touring
- Years playing music:
- 50
- Gigs played:
- Over 100
- Tend to practice:
- 2-3 times per week
- Available to gig:
- 6-7 nights a week
Larry Graham, Stanley Clark, Marcus Miller
Fender Precision Bass, Traben 5-string bass, Dean bass, Ampeg B4 bass amp, Ampeg 4-10 bass speaker cabinet, Ampeg bass cabinet, 15-in speaker
- Dance Like We Usta
Live at B.B. King's, Universal Studio, CA (Video)
Live at B.B. King's, Universal Studio, CA (Video)ch_2N7wupco