

Accordion, Acoustic Guitar, Background Singer, Bagpipes, Banjo, Bass Guitar, Cello, Clarinet, DJ, Dobro, Drums, Electronic Music, Fiddle, Flute, Harmonica, Harp, Keyboard, Lead Guitar, Mandolin, Other, Other Percussion, Piano, Rhythm Guitar, Saxophone, Steel guitar, Trombone, Trumpet, Ukulele, Upright bass, Violin, Vocalist, Vocalist - Alto, Vocalist - Baritone, Vocalist - Bass, Vocalist - Soprano, Vocalist - Tenor.


Hi, I am an accomplished banjo player, in clawhammer and clawgrass (clawhammer, 3 finger bluegrass hybrid). Have been playing banjo since age of 7. Also a skilled guitar player, acoustic and electric. Capable bass player. Capable singer, lead and backup harmony. I managed and produced my band, The Moss Piglets, for a decade, doing primarily single mic style bluegrass etc. Any search online for that will give examples of my music particularly the banjo aspect. At this point I have laid off the busy work of gigging and production and am seeking people for fun jams and possibly light gigging, whether acoustic or electric. More emphasis on fun than work at this point! Just curious what might turn up.

Screen name:
Member since:
Nov 28 2018
Active over 1 month ago
Level of commitment:
Moderately Committed
Years playing music:
Gigs played:
Over 100
Tend to practice:
2-3 times per week
Available to gig:
1 night a week


Countless influences. Bluegrass, oldtime folk, rock, metal, reggae, country, jazz, gypsy jazz, blues … love it all, play it all as best I can.

Instrument experience:

Acoustic Guitar:
Lead Guitar:
Rhythm Guitar:
Bass Guitar:


Banjos: open back, bluegrass, and fretless. Acoustic guitars: Dreadnaught, metal body resonator, gypsy jazz selmer style. Electric guitars: primarily Tele, also Peavey humbucker guitar. Primary amp: Fender deluxe reverb amp. Bass: Fender Pbass.