

A Song Composer And Guitarist crazy about old Black Sabbath, I compose drums in new rock styles, experimental and traditional, multiple bass guitars together on a track, organs, and I have the most haunted vocoder it sweeps between 3 different vowels, great on many instruments, I'm 6'2" From Indiana and been in Tacoma 40 years, 253-365-2513, I am mostly interested in being a hired gun studio work or joining professionals, my time is limited & my music is nuclear, don't lite up in front of my 92 year old mother. ??‍? 2350 south g st #216 Tacoma, I like ? Burning ? Sky - Bad Company, might relocate to Alabama, have a cottage on Tom Bee River there.

Screen name:
Member since:
Dec 30 2024
Active within 2 weeks
Level of commitment:
Very Committed
Years playing music:
Tend to practice:
More than 3 times per week
Available to gig:
6-7 nights a week
Most available:


1970's Classical Gas & Vintage Rock Boogie Rock , Hard Rock , Progressive Rock & Metal . Synth Music , Pink Floyd or Allan Parsons... I compose new experimental and traditional
styles. $ influences More Money's.
I will be willing to work with interested professionals at end of March 2025 , go easy at meeting me, I have heart failure and a EV ICD Implant awaiting transplant, my health doesn't effect my abilities to perform. I eat all entertainment musicians , especially them Dat Think They Good , Jump In The Line .?‍?‍???‍?‍???‍?‍??

Instrument experience:

Rhythm Guitar:
Electronic Music:
Acoustic Guitar:
Bass Guitar:


Cerwin Vega, Acoustic and Macaulay loudspeakers, QSC amps , Digitech Processing , Valve FX & VGS Artist. KORG Sequencer and KORG Mixer
Gibson and Steinburger Baritones .HHB CDRW and Peavey KOSMOS.? Art ABY switch and new Fender Expression pedal. I CAN WHISTLE WITH A BIT OF SMIRNOFF. ?