

Practicing bass for 12 years. I have good, solid skills and have been playing in local blues/rock jams for several years, and have played with a couple of pick-up groups for fun. I am always eager to learn new material. I am currently working with the Lower-Westchester blues band "The BlueStorm Four."

Look for us on FB!

Screen name:
Member since:
Apr 16 2019
Active within 24 hours
Level of commitment:
Very Committed
Years playing music:
Gigs played:
10 to 50
Tend to practice:
More than 3 times per week
Available to gig:
2-3 nights a week
Most available:


The blues is where it all starts! I am a huge fan of the blues, blues rock, and classic rock; B.B. King, Albert King, George Thoroughgood, Stevie Ray, Gary Moore, Clapton, Allman Bros, ZZ Top, Santana, Amy Winehouse...

Instrument experience:

Bass Guitar:


Fender Marcus Miller Signature Jazz Bass (Favorite!)
Epiphone Thunderbird-IV Bass
Epiphone Les Paul Special Bass
Ibanez Acoustic Bass
Hartke 410XL V2 4X10" with Hartke LX5500 Bass Amp
Hartke A100 1x15" 100-Watt Bass Combo Amp