Wynne C Blue and her Troublefakers


As of 2024, members of Wynne C Blue's band are working on new/other/personal projects. Wynne is keeping an eye out for women over 40 that want to play something harder as a concept rock/punk/metal act.

Rehearsals Kirkland/TBD, Troublefakers album #4 was released in 2019 so there is a body of work to get acquainted with. New projects are to be performed on Twitch and within Washington State and the PNW, with a chance of venturing further (in 2018 we played at SXSW as a band, and Wynne played solo in Albuquerque, New Orleans, Birmingham, Atlanta, and OKC).

Wynne C Blue and her Troublefakers are a rock-driven powerpop quartet based in the Seattle metropolitan area. Having recorded an EP and two full-length albums, the Troublefakers have a large body of original work available to perform as well as a selection of covers from 70s-era punk, 80s and 90s alternative, and modern pop.

wynne at troublefakers dot com

Screen name:
Member since:
Oct 13 2014
Active within 2 weeks
Level of commitment:
Very Committed
Years together:
Gigs played:
Over 100
Tend to practice:
1 time per week
54 years


New project1: Heart, Black Sabbath, The Gossip, UFO, Linkin Park, Joan Jett, Metallica, Skunk Anansie, Tenacious D

Always influences: The Pretenders, Better Than Ezra, PJ Harvey, Blondie, The Reverend Horton Heat, No Doubt, Rush, U2, The Black Keys, Arctic Monkeys, Jack White, local independent music and musicians

Members Of Band

Wynne C Blue - vox

Donnie Ivan - drums, vox
Ron Allen - bass
Jeff Colchamiro - guitar
Irene Pena - guitar, percussion, vox