

Hi! We're in our mid-20s trying to start a band that plays melodic hardcore punk with poppy influences. If you live in Philly or any of the surrounding areas and have reliable transportation, then hit us up and we'll send you what we've been working on (but we don't have much because we want to write with other members and build the band together).

Screen name:
Member since:
May 11 2013
Active over 1 month ago
Years together:
38 years


Bands like Such Gold, Touche Amore, Lifetime, Tigers Jaw, Daggermouth, Jawbreaker, Crime in Stereo, Joyce Manor, Living With Lions, Comeback Kid, Descendents, and more.

We're very dedicated musicians and hope you're willing to work hard with us. Thanks and looking forward to hearing from you!

P.S. If you're not familiar with any of those bands and you might be interested anyway, here are some links to their music:


Members Of Band

A guitarist, bassist and a (possible) vocalist. We're primarily looking for a drummer. If you're a vocalist, feel free to contact us too!