Icepick to the Face




Hey everyone,

We are Icepick to the Face, a SF Bay Area metal band looking for a vocalist to round out our lineup! Our sound is a bit of ETID worship mixed with mathcore and strong melodic sensibilities. COVID times has obviously made starting a band a pretty unique experience, but we’ve been working remotely, bouncing ideas back and forth, and recently put out our first single (“Shark Week”) that you can listen to here:


We’re looking for a melodic vocalist to take care of both screaming and clean vocals. We envision a pretty even mix of clean and screamed vocals on our tunes. Communication is SUPER important to us and you must be able to work with us remotely what with the pandemic still being a thing. We want to play out once live music returns and we’re viewing lockdown as the time to write enough music for a setlist and gain some online traction.

Please be able to provide past recordings of your vocals or have the ability to record over tracks we send to you. Due to COVID, we will not be holding any in person auditions. While we’re considering all candidates, we highly encourage POC, women, and/or members of the LGBTQIA community to apply. No nazis, no terfs, no cops. It would be a HUGE plus if you had one or more of the following skill sets:

-Video editing
-Graphic design

If this sounds like a fit for you, reach out to us! Tell us a little about yourself and send some recordings of you singin’ and screamin’!

Screen name:
Member since:
Mar 02 2021
Active over 1 month ago
Level of commitment:
Years together:
37 years


Every Time I Die, math core, melodic metal

Members Of Band

John (guitar)(he/him) - After studying classical and jazz in college John realized that he didn’t actually like playing music by dead dudes all that much and returned to metal, his first musical love. He’s been in and out of bands his whole life and has a couple other projects. He’ll probably have suggestions for lyrics that will always boil down to “how about we put some socialism in there??”

Em (drums) - Born and raised in Boston, M made the great migration to the Bay in 2011. A self taught drummer, they started playing in 2003 and have played with several bands since then including: Roosevelt Radio, Maxwell Powers, Bones of a Feather, Vulturegeist, Kairosphere, Viqueen, Pity Party, Icepick to the Face, and Grimoires. M is influenced heavily by pop punk and metal and will go far out of their way to hit up an Emo Night. When they’re not drumming, you can catch them with their perfect dog Goose - the kind of husky you’d be proud to bring home to mom - reading comics, covering sadboi emo songs, breaking hearts (or getting their heart broken), drinking too much iced coffee, or headbanging and starting their own circle pits alone in their room.

Raziel (bass) - Raziel grew up on punk rock and classical music down in Corpus Christi, TX, home of Whataburger and Selena. He picked up guitar at a young age and went on to receive his Bachelor’s Degree from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music and even spent some time studying at the Akademie Fur Tonkunst in Darmstadt, Germany. Raziel spent most of his 20’s in the beer industry but now teaches guitar full time. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, BBQing, brewing, and pondering the fu*king madness that is this nonsenicle cold world that we decide to continue operating in on a mundane daily basis.