Rob Ryan


Band to Join, Vocalist, Rhythm Guitar, Lead Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drums, Keyboard.


Hello all! I'm Rob.

Edit 01-31-2015: My previous band "Reloaded," has recently disbanded and I am now seeking a new venture in the Quincy/Hannibal area. I'm interested in playing 80's metal and some classic rock; perhaps l a little bit newer rock thrown in. I would like to have another lead/rhythm guitarist, bassist, drummer, and lead vocalist; possibly open to keys. If you have PA, it's a plus as I do not own PA gear. If you can sing and play, even better, but I am going to be a bit picky on vocal capabilities; nothing personal, I've just experienced my fair share of pitchy vocalists and want someone who can really belt it out... in key. I'm not saying you can't make a mistake, we all do; just so long as it's not the norm. If you're interested, please, don't hesitate to contact me! I'll be happy to discuss your musical credentials and direction. If we're on the same page, let's meet, jam a few songs, and see if we mesh well. Talk soon!

I've been playing guitar since I was 15. I'm a good rhythm player and I humbly say, I don't think there's any rhythm work I can't handle. I can play SOME lead, but I'm no shredder. I am working on improving my lead skills. I am very easy to get along with and I take music seriously, but I have no time for arrogance and egos - been there, done that. Let's take the music seriously, but not ourselves. I'm not really concerned with age as long as everyone is serious about being a gigging band; cover or original... doesn't matter. I prefer a mix of classic rock/rock/metal, but I'm open to other styles, especially if you want to do original music.

I WILL PLAY ANYTHING I HAVE THE ABILITY TO PLAY. I'd just like the same respect in return. I'm not a good country guitarist; I like it, it's just not one of my strong points.

I am wide open to playing genres other than the 3 I selected, I would've checked more if the system allowed. How many nights I can gig will depend on how far you are willing to go with playing music. If I'm in a cover band doing bar gigs, probably one night a week. If its original music, and we're making good money, I'd quit my day job. It just depends on everyone's level of commitment.

If you're interested, please feel free to call, text, or email me.



guitarguy8302 at




Screen name:
Rob Ryan
Member since:
Mar 01 2013
Active within 1 week
Level of commitment:
Very Committed
Years playing music:
Gigs played:
10 to 50
Most available:


Lynyrd Skynyrd, Joe Satriani, Metallica, Zakk Wylde, John Petrucci, Thin Lizzy, Led Zeppelin, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Eric Clapton, Deep Purple, Steve Vai, ZZ Top, AC/DC, Mark Tremonti, Rolling Stones, Eric Johnson, .38 Special, Randy Rhoads, Iron Maiden, Eddie Van Halen...

This list could go on forever with artists from several genres.

Instrument experience:

Rhythm Guitar:
Acoustic Guitar:
Background Singer:
Lead Guitar:


I own professional gear.

Gibson Les Pauls, Takamine 12-string acoustic, RainSong acoustic, Triple X head, Ceriatone Plexi head, Krank Revolution head, Krank 412 cabinet, Carvin 412 cabinet, and Axe-FX III.