Vocalist, Drums.


Melodic groove metal band from Los Angeles California currently seeking a drummer and a vocalist. We draw influence from a lot of artists but we've developed a sick sound that we're really digging and hope "you" can be a part of.

We're working with a sick Producer / engineer to record our debut EP and expect to see it completed later this year / early 2014. We're extremely serious about this project and look to find members with similar ambitions and mindsets.
Our most up to date generalized BAND goals include, regular bookings of shows in the near future, regular practicing and hard work at promotion and recording.

We're all proficient at our instruments and have been playing for multiple years and regularly write new material at a quality standard. If you're interested in the position shoot me an email with references of your playing such as videos or recordings. We've finished recording and plan to release a teaser track in mid September 2013 for artists or potential fans to gauge our sound and for vocalists to practice to. We're adding the finishing touches including bass and mixing.


• Acquire a Drummer and immediately gear up to book and play shows instrumentally if we have to.

- Solid familiarity and skill in drums expected and required including timekeeping and creativity. Knowledge / experience in sampling is also a plus but not required. Must also have means of transportation to shows and own equipment. Our desired age range is 18-25. Ego's are frowned upon.

•Acquire an exceptional Front man ( first and foremost ) Vocalist / Lyricist.

-We're looking for a Vocalist along the vocal / writing styles of : Chino Moreno of " Deftones " , Spencer Sotelo of " Periphery " , Jerry Roush of " Glasscloud " / " Sky Eats Airplane " , Layne Staley of " Alice in Chains " , or Frankie Palmeri of " Emmure" ( more so off of the " Good by to the Gallows " LP. )

- Vocal Side notes : We're looking for a talented vocalist both in performance / stage presence, and lyric writing. We're going for mostly clean vocals with screams in good taste/when felt necessary. Our desired age range is 18-25, transportation to gigs and practice is a major plus. Ego's are frowned upon.


I hope my detailed description enlightened you in what we're trying to accomplish in this band. If you feel you're a talented musician and cool person that can really contribute positively to this band and music scene feel free to shoot me an email with your details.

At the end of it all we're just some dudes trying to succeed in doing what we love with a level headed and ambitious mind set.

I'll include a link in future reports to the teaser once it's fully completed and uploaded.

Thanks for checking out our Ad!

Screen name:
Member since:
Sep 04 2013
Active over 1 month ago
Level of commitment:
Just for Fun
Years together:
Tend to practice:
2-3 times per week
31 years



• Deftones , Periphery , Volumes , Glass cloud, Slipknot , Meshuggah.


•Deftones , Periphery , volumes , glass cloud , veil of maya , slipknot , messhuggah , emmure , alice in chains , corellia , gojira , the safety fire. ( Just to name a few. )