

forming band that seeking guitarist , percussion , Violin. Seeking drummer, sitar player or someone plays ancient instruments. Influences : Dead Can Dance, portishhead Jaya Lakshmi stellamara, hendrix , brian jones and other pop singers and dedicated our friends in deep ocean g mail

Im interested to play with a band that is interested in 1960s Surf rock - Garage Band sound samples of my music most recently participated with look up the following on
Soundcloud - then after search
T Lord / Theremin sound samples

Screen name:
theremin player
Member since:
Nov 29 2013
Active within 1 month
Level of commitment:
Very Committed
Years together:
Gigs played:
Under 10
Tend to practice:
2-3 times per week
Available to gig:
2-3 nights a week
42 years


Octopus project, Portistead, Pink Floyd, Led Zepplin - custom theremin and other influences - read above.Sid Barrat - founding member Pink Floyd, Brian Jones- of Rolling Stones, communication of whales of our ocean and 1950's Sci-fi B movies - UFO invading a city in the future. Jimmy Page was master of antenna Theremin -

Members Of Band

Past bands played with raggae-
Bloodstone , red lions -dub
Psyc rock lizard lords , rock
Naked space heroes , Tuesday waisted


Spanish hand made Theremin - tone and volume, Line - 6 digital echo, D-6, Other echo effects peddle TC electronics Etherwave bear Theremin