Detroit Xclusive / Hypnotix Media



Label Summary
Label Bio

Hypnotic Media the the recording label behind Detroit Xclusive Entertainment. We are currently looking for artists who need everything from distribution to promotions please feel free to check out our website to see what we can do for you. We are new here to bandmix but we have been in the business for over 15 years and have helped many different artists achieve and exceed their goals. If you are serious feel free to contact us and we can discuss what we can offer you as an independent artist or band. .detroitxclusive
More About Hypnotic media


Overall music sales are down. The economy is a bit iffy. New technologies are challenging traditional label paradigms, even DIYs. And the music industry as a whole is smarmier than ever.

Seemed like the perfect time for us to promote a new type of label. Because even though it often seems that music has hit an all time lowest common denominator of dubious taste (a million people can't be right about anything!), we all know that catchy, provocative music is still being created. The cup is more than half full, and we aim to do our small part in spilling some on you.

Hypnotic Media and Detroit Xclusive is an independent recording firm founded in January of 1996 by a consortium of forward-looking music professionals bent on breaking the boundaries of traditional music models. Now 15 and a half years later we are taking our artist-friendly philosophy of development and community building to the next level on this very website.

Hypnotic Media and Detroit Xclusive is now one the first ever digital-only music label of it's kind. Each artist on the roster has been given a unique day on which to release a brand new single every month of the year- so the detroitxclusive website soon be your source for new music a minimum of seven times a month. Each single costs the consumer only one dollar and all profits are split evenly with our artists.

Though important advances in digital technology have given Hypnotic Media and Detroit Xclusive a modern sheen, it is really a throwback to the golden age of 45s. Long before CDs and even long player albums, the music business was all about single records. Though we are going high-tech, there is a retro element involved in our new business strategy as well. We are pleased to return to the roots of the music- the singles themselves.

We are also committed to releasing only the highest quality of music. We are determined to properly develop our artists. We are enthusiastic about creating a true community of music lovers. We are modestly optimistic. And we are most pleased to have you join us in our new adventure at Hypnotic Media and Detroit Xclusive.



DJ STATIX is the C.E.O and founder of Xclusive Entertainment.
He has been in the industry for almost 20 years in various aspects of the music business.

He is a DJ

Creating his own DJ career starting at the age of 14 in clubs and other private events DJ STATIX has continued to grow as an entertainer.

He is an artist

Creating and marketing his CD legacy he started with VOL # 1 of Welcome To My WORLD. This series ran sucessfully for
13 volumes. DJ STATIX Decided to retire that title and create a new one more appropriate to the experiences in his career
and did a two volume set titled MUSIC WITH NO DISTRACTIONS. While both were accepted extremely well DJ STATIX chose to take a step out of the spotlight after doing a tour in Japan as well as traveling worldwide under a very strict tour schedule. Now he is working on his newest project called DJ STATIX RETURNS TO HIP HOP. This album is his ways to show where he feels hip hop SHOULD BE. "I feel like hip hop has lost the soul it once had there are no major hip hop artists getting the respect of the real hip hop heads. I feel as a product of the time of when hip hop was brought mainstream I need to bring back the feel of KRS1, Run DMC, Beastie Boys, OLD LL Cool J, Cool Herk, Slick Rick, OLD Busta Rhymes, and all the other real hip hop legends. Dont get me wrong there is real hip hop out there but it is not even close to the spotlight. The unsigned artists are bringing back the raw flavor of real music and I am going to help them get it noticed." Says Statix

He is an Entrepreneur

DJ STATIX has owned and operated several sucessful start up companies. The range of the type of business's that DJ STATIX has been or is currently involved with range from Telecom to realestate and from Event planning to home and vehicle sales.

He is a philanthropist

DJ STATIX has been in several articles and recieved many awards for his efforts in the communities in which his companies conducted business.

He has had an active role in the special olympics, make a wish foundation, and other charitable efforts.

He has also initiated the ACTIVE KIDS PROGRAM to help motivate children to get out from in front of the video games and away from the Television and get out side to explore the things offered by nature and your environment.
Please see the page on THE ACTIVE KIDS PROGRAM to see how you can help.

He is a family man

While DJ STATIX has all the titles under his belt he still remains loyal to his family. Having 3 kids ages 3 year, 9 years and 15 years is hard enough but then add the fact the two oldest are girls well the dads out there can relate. With an up coming wedding pending DJ STATIX seems to have a full plate along with a side dish of more tasks than most people could handle.

He is a Brother to all his clients.

DJ STATIX says it the best:

"My clients are not just people who paid me to do a service they are people who became part of my extended family they count on me and I count on them."

STATIX goes on to say:

"When you sign up with my company I make sure we can build trust and that we can enjoy working together or there is no point in begining the process of becoming part of my family. Remember it is not only me that must accept you but the rest of the xclusive family as well."

For more on DJ STATIX send him a message ask him questions. While he may not be able to answer you immediately he will work hard to get a message back.

Contact name:
Dj Statix
Screen name:
Dj Statix
Member since:
Apr 27 2011
Active over 1 month ago
Phone number:


Our rates vary from Packages with one time fees to monthly packages as low as $40 a month. We customize everything for each individual client and family member. We also have rewards for those who maintain a higher level of career focus. Everything here is made to benefit those who are ready to roll up your sleeves right along side of our staff and make your career move. For more details email us here or at [email protected] or call our office directly at 586-350-0362. If your not where you want to be in your music career then you need to give us a call and let us design a custom plan for your music career.



Past Events

Interested in distribution with Promotional options as well? Send us a message and let us check out your music and we will reply with details if we intend to move forward with you. Make sure your contact information is up to date. or that you send us any additional or corrected information you require us to have. We are only accepting 10 new clients this quarter so make sure you get your details into our staff as soon as possible to be considered. Offer Ends 5/15/2011 or sooner