slow up casted make it a love song..

  • Type mp3 | Uploaded Wed, 14 Jul 2010 09:58:04 -0400
  • File size 4,229.32 Kylobytes | Track # 3
  • Genre Alternative | Comments

    ohhh man thats funny.
    ok so when i started this band the only ones with expeirance was jay he had been playing guitar for a few years. and mike played a little guitar. but his body moved to the bass and so he picked it up natuarally. BUT gear said he got to play with drums at church once or twice. and that kid was almost as fast of a learner as i was. so we recorded our 3rd practice. and we come to find out that jay couldnt natuarally count his messures. and then it started throwing all of us of at the next practice. to where i was like wait maybe i should count my messures. even thow i realy didnt have to. around the same time we started our band jay tried a drug that actually speed up his thinking to where he wouldnt have to consentrate on counting. witch was a good thing. because when his rythm was off it it was like WOW. came to a point where i had become him and saw what he's keeping time with. his own head! but when he was doing that it wasn't sounding good for us. so as he kept doing the drugs. he became us. it took us longer to become ourslves again. when he relized he had to slow down, he relized he could play music outside of his head. and we where finding out how to connect to him so that he understands. so as the 5 or 6 practice came along we recorded again and come to find out that his timing was 100%. needed to work on stamina. while this all was happening with jay. i was having relationship problems. because the ex was lying and cheating. at the same time i noticed mikes hearing was getting better and worst at the same time. he was starting to lose the abillity to hear some things but beeing able to feel and hear other things. around the time chi cheng was hospitalized in a coma. weird part is he looks just like him. the band was getting strong but my soul was hanging by a thread. mike jumps on my back ping the thread i was hanging by and decides "hey since Fur's girl lies and cheats on him why doesnt she lie and cheat on him with me". conviently at the time we where kinda mad at eachother. becuase i had feeling something was up and she had somethings up she was feeling. so ya we where trying to work things things out. but since i lived a hour away from the band and a hour away from the girl at the time. the girl at the time and mike and jay where talking about some bars and clubs they spent servral nights at while i was being told she was at home. i was calm i had positive thinking. why would she lie why would they lie that was my girlfriend and those are my friends... right? until she calls me saying that mike wont stop driving by her house and she's scared because she stopped talking to him "after he tried to make a move on her" so i travel my ass a hour to see what the fu*k is going on. and he was leaving love letters on her car... WOW. after that i let my self get played by her like a instrument but since jay who later "tries to kiss her" keeps hanging out with her. i simply had enough of spending money to drive a hour to be around people who can't be honest... who i couldnt even trust. investing in their futures so that they wouldn't end up with dead end jobs like lowes(HOME DEPOT KNOCKOFFS), or delivering food. or even at a place that makes you pick up dirty towels and leave clean ones. i had it planned out.
    but i separated myself from all of that for about a year. i picked up the phone and said i that i'm appalogizing for walking out because i did feel bad for walking out on my dream, not on them. giving a second chance. now she wanted back in my life to. mikes new girlfriend falls in love with her. and becomes her number 2. so now he's not aloud to play because she can't bring her friend and the drive is as far as i used to drive everyweekend down to oc but now its to far?.!>.< and jay hangs out with her still till this verry day. and the few times i have seen him..... he is always frusted. and saying she's a bitch blah blah. that cuz he is getting played buy her rapidly aging looks. thats STUCK. and gear hasn't been the same ever since his mom passed away. rest her soul. witch was happening at the same time as the c*nt drama. the only thing on a friends mind was wow!
    casted in stone for gear, god......

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Rhythm Guitar, Lead Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drums, Other Percussion, Background Singer, Other.


MY MAIN THING IS FRONT MAN. BECAUSE I HAVE A STORY TO TELL. AND I WANT and need musicians that could help me express the emotion of the lyrical content. I AM A SINGER/SONGWRITER. i have 15+ years of playing guitar. i also play drums and bass.

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Member since:
Jul 14 2010
Active over 1 month ago
Level of commitment:
Very Committed
Years playing music:
Tend to practice:
More than 3 times per week


i got a little gagarge band setup. if you don't have have gear. i got it.i collected the tools i needed for a basics.